Technological Holocaust
(An Over-view of the Bigger Picture)
In the beginning of my microwaved grope to figure out the technological targeting, I made a lot of mistakes - the same mistakes that many have been making - mistakes that include pointing fingers at this person or organization or that country or "the government"...etc. Its all just too confusing to fully figure out while still being targeted. But I trust what my heart has felt from the start, especially during those times when I am not being hit too hard with microwaves. . .and am able to step out of my personal situation to look at the bigger picture. This is what I see in that bigger picture;
I see a very dark group of people sitting at the top of a pyramid - people who have been aiming to control the world, including the weather, countries and human beings. They appear to have unlimited resources, are extremely advanced with microwave weapons, mind control technologies - psychotronic weapons...etc., and seem to enjoy inflicting pain and suffering and pitting citizens, organizations and governments against each other - instigating wars...etc. Beneath them covert wars have been secretly raging through the past few decades. Beneath them whole countries have been being slowly taken over. Beneath them rogue PARTS of citizens, governments, private organizations and medical fields (especially psychiatry) have joined them in eugenics based targetings as well as pharmaceutical and technological mind control on other citizens around the globe. Beneath them healthy people have been being inflicted with various types of physical illnesses, which appear natural but are actually caused by microwave weapons. Beneath them psychiatric pharmaceuticals, which aid technological mind control, have been being heavily pushed and even placed in some public water supplies. Beneath them healthy people have been being falsely labeled as "mentally ill," in order to medicate and/or control them. Beneath them, there has been immense suffering and confusion, especially in those who are being heavily targeted. Beneath them aware victims, who dare to publicly stand up, have been being threatened, fed misinformation and inflicted with technological brainwashings that follow their pattern of manipulating things so that blame is placed in the wrong places. Beneath them humanity has been being enslaved, some have even been heavily targeted/tortured and then "rescued" by their abusers, leaving loved ones to think they are dead. Beneath them are various levels of enslaved mind control victims who are used to control or target others in a covert fight for freedom that is actually destroying freedom. Beneath them there appears to be sly modes of "protection" that actually enslave people and may even offer filtered technologies that prevent detection of frequencies used for mind control. Beneath them unaware, decent people have been used in the forground of their operations, in order to inconspicuously achieve their aim for control. Beneath them darkness has been spreading like a cancer around the globe. Beneath them humanity has been losing the vital freedom that it needs, in order to think and feel and grow into all that it was meant to be. Beneath them the Heart of humanity has been being slowly destroyed.
This is truly a Holocaustal situation and, within the heartlessness, that it has already inflicted, there is a serious danger that technological mind control could secretly continue (even after the worst of the targeting has stopped) if it is not fully exposed and citizens are not provided with honest, unfiltered methods of radio wave detection and protection until criminal use of the technologies is completely stopped.
But, there is hope, because above those who target and enslave humanity, and those whom they control and use, is a Light that shines for us - a Light that is spreading around the globe and aiming to reach the Hearts of those who can do more to stop the destruction. . .a Light that is begging the Heart of humanity to PEACEFULLY stand up and break the lethal silence, which enables the growth of this holocaust - a Light that longs to protect and comfort tortured victims. . .a Light that calls for the public awareness of the covert program, which can set enslaved victims free, enabling the understanding that is needed for resistance. . .a Light that shines for all of humanity to understand what has been happening so that recovery can begin.
I understand that my view is not a popular one. But the fact that it has been so heavily targeted validates its truth for me. Over and over again in my writings I have begged for people to stand up, because I have felt (and still feel) that what is needed from aware citizens, including government officials, is compassionate, humanitarian types of public stands against the abuse and harm that is being inflicted upon too many of us. . .and good old fashioned "all America" types of public stands to restore the Freedom that has been being secretly ripped away through the past several decades. For people like me, every day of this not happening feels too long - just way too long, because it sometimes seems like those days merely allow more people to suffer or die or be enslaved. . .and this can get overwhelming.
Over and over again I have reached this point where I am now - this point where I need to try to preserve my own sanity through trying to let go of the worry and just trust that there still is a lot of Heart in our world - that many people, around the globe, are aware and are doing what they can to bring this crisis to a peaceful end. I truly believe that all of humanity will eventually be set free. . .one way or the other. This is my deepest consolation.
Give us STRENGTH, find our way Through bullets hidden in microwaves,
And COURAGE, make a STAND That saves our lives and FREEs our land.
This is not a "theory." Its a fight for our lives.
Its not a matter of if you "believe it" or not -
its a matter of if you are aware and if you can care to
help restore our safety and freedom.
World I See
kind of world can my weary eyes See What kind of world need grow to
be? A world where kindness picks up paces To lift broken people
from wounded places. A world where the void of greed and hate Is
filled with Love by the hands of fate, A world where all is in a state
of repair And none are left in deep despair.