~ Technological Holocaust Announcements ~
I've had problems with computer and web infiltrations. Some of my posts have been being altered or erased! Please excuse the mess. When I am free of the infiltrations, and am less overwhelmed, I will be able to do more to fix it. August 24, 2024; A Bit of Validation for Targeted Individuals (Torture Victims)
Microwave targeting is now also being called "Havana Syndrome" and "Anomalous Health Incidents" (AHI).
In the video I shared in the previous post, more was said about the microwave targeting, and the plight of the victims, than I've seen in any other report. The focus was only on government officials who were attacked with microwave weapons. But, now that the existence of microwave weapons, and some of their capabilities, have finally been publicly exposed and some officials are standing up for some of the victims; the door has opened for more aware officials to also stand up and share what they know about the various types of weapons, and various types of victims that do indeed exist, both inside and outside the government. This video is a small step, but it is an important one, because it is officials standing up against the reports, which still try to claim that microwave weapons do not exist and/or that the targeting isn't even really happening; its three official investigators stating that the weapons do indeed exist and that people are indeed being hurt by them... The chairman said, in his opening statement, that the National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine found the AHI symptoms "to be consistent with the effects of directed pulsed radio frequency energy. Many of the chronic non-specific symptoms are also consistent with known radio frequency effects, such as dizziness, head aches, fatigue, nausea, anxiety, cognitive deficits and memory loss." The rest of the hearing was three witnesses, who have investigated microwave weapon attacks, making opening statements and answering questions... Mr. Edgreen; stated that the microwaving is not new. He mentioned reports of it starting as early as in the 1950s when the USA embassy started being attacked in Moscow, and that there have been many other reported incidents since then. He spoke of the unfair "gaslighting" of the victims. He said that, "The signs and symptoms of AHI are generally compelling and that pulse electromagnetic energy, particularly in the radio frequency range, explains the core characteristics." he said that some of the microwave weapon attacks are "designed to make the target feel like they are crazy, like they are imagining things, especially in the low intensity long duration hits." Mr. Grozev; stated that he did extensive studies of the victims and found that there were many symptoms that surely were NOT "psychosomatic" or from "preexisting" symptoms, like has been said in other reports. He stated that he found proof of microwave weapons being developed at least since the 1970s and referred to them as, "Wave Weapons" which are both acoustic and directed energy weapons. He stated that there is "sufficient evidence" that microwave weapons do exist and can have ill effects on the human body and brain. Mr. Zaid; stated that microwave weapon attacks have "mostly silently plagued" many victims "for decades." He said that, "The victims are not just selfless public servant, [but are also] their spouses, children (including infants) and even pets." He shared intelligence info that mentioned, "a high powered microwave system weapon that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate or kill an enemy over time and without leaving evidence." He also said that "this weapon is designed to bathe the targets home in microwaves, causing numerous physical effects, including a damaged nervous system." He stated that "Todays hearing can only present a sliver of relevant information. The overwhelming majority of evidence, concerning AHIs is hidden behind classified walls." He said that, "There is intelligence, scientific, and medical evidence that substantiates the existence of AHIs and that SOME of the attacks were perpetrated by a former adversary. That evidence can be specifically identified in the proper classified setting. That said, there is a wealth of publicly available information concerning the history of directed energy weapons, particularly its scientific and military applications." Mr. Thompson asked the three witnesses, "Are any of you aware of any reported incidents from Individuals who are not members of the United states government?" Mr. Edgreen said, "I am not but...I only focused on former and present government employees." Mr. Zaid said, "There are many people who believe they are victims... I only represent government employees, so I don't focus on the accuracy of those particular claims." Mr. Grozev said, "Not on American soil, but in other parts of the world there've been complaints that appear to be credible." All three witnesses think that Russia is at least partly to blame, and Mr. Edgreen repeatedly stated that the USA should strike back and seek vengeance on Russia. But Mr. Grozev (or Mr. Zaid?) wisely said, "From my personal point of view, making this public is the best protection." One of them stated that a Russian official said that Russians were being attacked by the USA and were aiming to strike back, around the 1980s. However, there are, no doubt, many groups and many countries that have developed microwave weapons since Nicola Tesla's experiments in the late 1800s and early 1900s. And surely many have already been vengefully hurting each other with them, at least since the 1950s. And Public awareness and stopping criminal use of the technologies, EVERYWHERE, is truly the remedy. We must have a peaceful end to the hell that too many of us have already experienced, rather than even more suffering being inflicted. We just must. Much of the needed information has been classified as top secret, which has hindered investigations as well as the hearing in this video. I'm sure there were reasons for the classification, but masses of victims need the validation and understanding and acknowledgment...etc. Hopefully there will soon be a LOT more transparency and the plight of ALL types of victims, both inside and outside the government, will be realized and acknowledged, and criminal use of all types of microwave weapons, both ground and space based, will be completely stopped. Homeland Security Hearing - (full video)
(I am not sure if this address will remain accurate due to possible infiltrations.)
P.S. I feel that brain numbing pharmaceuticals and radio wave mind control have also helped to hinder independent investigations and has caused a lot of blind disbelief and denial of the truths. :-( But it looks like the time has come for us to push past the obstacles. :-)
July 22, 2023: For Peace in America blog and a new paper to pass out...
http://www.poeticpublications.com/mind2023.pdf July 20, 2023; Please check out my new Wisdom's Beacon for Freedom book...
https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/wisdoms-beacon-for-freedom-sharon-rose-poet/1134004058?ean=9781666280494 July 20, 2023; The :Five Minutes for Freedom" Speech
The original "National Health Freedom Coalition" was started, in order to enable natural health care practitioners the right to help people without being arrested and convicted for offering herbs or energy healing...etc., without a medical license. Then it grew into standing up for other rights and freedoms associated with our health and safety and our right to make choices for ourselves, which do not include pharmaceuticals or mandatory vaccines for our children...etc. Diane Miller is a lawyer who is one of the three original founders of the National Health Freedom Coalition. In this "Five Minutes for Freedom" speech Diane exposed a truth that every person on earth should be made aware of. It is difficult to hear on this video because Diane Miller's microphone appears to have not been working properly and she struggled with the delivery of her speech in some places. But it was still the best speech I've ever heard and those who know me, and my very long lone stand for freedom, will understand why when you hear it. I literally cried through the last minute or so of it and had to listen to it a couple times. "Someone else knows and is standing up!," my heart literally cried out loud. This meant a lot to me. More than words can say. Nothing has given me hope more than this one minute of this speech has. I have transcribed* this part for those of you who will not be able to hear it well on your computers. I hope this speech will reach the whole world and help restore our most important freedoms - the freedom to think for ourselves and retain our own hearts and spirits and live out our lives the way we choose to, without any sort of interference from the dark forces that use pharmaceuticals and radio wave technologies and other things, in order to control or harm humanity... * "We have a new element in our world, since 1900. It is the evolution of our man made technology. Current technology has the capacity to control, kill, destroy humans without confrontation or traditional war or explosions. Technology has the capacity to make Mother Earth uninhabitable. Technology has the capacity to convert humans into non-humans, without their consent. Technology has the capacity to change the nature of what it means to be human. Technology, in and of itself, does not recognize the fundamental principle that humans have a sacred side; a soul path - a yearning for following their hearts and pursuits - a need for the freedom to decide their own destiny and to be free from the abuse of power and domination - and our innate interconnectedness... with all of nature and Mother Earth - and our expectation for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Technology is a tool. It does not have a soul. It can be used for good. It can be used for evil or tyranny. Will those who own or implement technology be held to the moral principals embodied in our constitution - our law of the land? Can our constitution provide the much needed guidance now, and reign in technology, to insure the survival of humans and our planet? Will we and our law makers act quickly and will we construct our [ grills? ] soon enough to save our lives? We are the people.... This is our dream; the sacred plan of freedom - the protection of the human spirit. We will now act, all together, and answer our individual callings to do what we can to steer our sacred ship of freedom to safe harbor." ~ Diane Miller JD 5 Minutes for Freedom speech by Diane Miller JD
https://youtu.be/DnlU7CuNbVM?t=266 I pray for a strong Light to shine for Diane and her courageous pursuits to regain some of our lost freedoms. It appears that she has accomplished a lot with helping state laws to be passed, which enable us the freedom to make our own personal health care choices, but it surely would have been a lot more if there was less opposition. Diane deserves a LOT of credit for following her own heart in a pursuit of freedom for humanity. I'm sure its not been easy for her. The original "National Health Freedom Coalition" now appears to have split up; it branched out into the "United States health freedom congress," which seems different from the original organization and has become more popular. Shifts like this are a common result of the evil targeting that tries to phase out the genuine heart of the original and replace it with something else - something more controllable. Hopefully this is not what has happened here and that it is stopped if it is. Below is the website for the original organization... National Health Freedom Coalition Constitutional Rights: It's a Matter of Health and Survival by Diane Miller JD P.S. I wonder if they also took over Diane's family, like they did mine. I'd love to talk to her, but I don't dare even try to, because it would most likely make the targeting vamp up on both of us and sabotage our connection. This has happened before. It has been my experience that truly targeted people, who are fully aware and have the heart to resist, have not been allowed to unite, because there is more power in groups who stand up than there is in individuals who stand up. And because isolated individuals can be more easily inconspicuously murdered or gotten rid of in some other way. It appears that Diane has not been as isolated, as I have been, and this is good for her. However, the tiny amount of views and support for her "Five Minutes for Freedom" speech indicates that she is too alone in this stand. Please give her some kind and genuine support. Hopefully she never will be isolated and that she still has loved ones who can care about her and support her and that her heart will hold strong. I pray for safety and freedom for her and all other targeted people as well as the rest of humanity. And me too. Hopefully soon... all of us (humanity) will be fully free to follow our own hearts and instincts and natural spirituality, and live out our own lives the way we choose to, without any sort of interference or harm being inflicted by radio wave technologies or pharmaceuticals or anything else. Freely download and share this new edition of the Technological Holocaust book, which is a "Call for the Heart of humanity to stand up and save itself from technological destruction." New Technological Holocaust Book (Edition 7) www.poeticpublications.com/bookth7.pdf (Earlier editions can available upon request.) My "Targeted in America" site is more updated than this one; If you help spread the word please do so through this site; www.targetedinamerica.com April 2, 2021; Newly edited "Core Problem" paper. Please print and share this.
Feb 1, 2020; My new blog is at www.sharonrosepoet.blogspot.com Feb 1, 2020; A Simple Way to Make Sure We Have Safe Drinking Water Please print and share this five page document. www.poeticpublications.com/waterfilter.pdf Previous posting was four page. But I updated a few things and added pictures. I am experiencing painful torture for writing and sharing this. They are blasting my upper spine with radiowaves and laser shots to my throat, as a warning to not say this. I hope this article reaches all who need it. lesae help it to. Letter to the BLM people www.poeticpublications.com/blm.pdf Our Core Problem paper www.poeticpublications.com/coreproblem.pdf Monday, June 19, 2017 Chemotherapy Concerns
Some forms of Chemotherapy may be good for some types of natural illnesses. I really do not know much about it. However, I feel that there is a type of chemotherapy that can be extremely damaging to our Spirits and cause a sort of inner death, which greatly aids technological mind control.
My concern started in 2006 when a doctor told me I was nearly dead and needed chemotherapy. At that time, I'd had a dream which showed my illness being caused by dark energy being shot at me and had felt that the chemo would be even more damaging to me, so I refused treatment. I now feel that the "dark energy" was the microwaves/radio wave targeting and that, at that time, it was being done in ways that were intended to force me into medical treatment, including chemotherapy. I am so glad I didn't let them do that to me. And I hope other people listen to their instincts above all else, when it comes to taking any sort of pharmaceuticals. Doctors do not always know what is best for us. It appears that, in this holocaustal targeting, they are sometimes even used to hurt us. I hope it is all exposed and stopped soon. I feel that there are many different types of pharmaceuticals, which aid the technological mind control, and have been being pushed onto people who are not really ill, but are experiencing microwave/radio wave targeting, perhaps just to be put on the meds for monetary gain and/or to aid technological mind control.
Give us STRENGTH, God...to find our way through bullets hidden in microwaves, and COURAGE, God...to make a STAND that saves our lives and FREEs our land. Monday, June 19, 2017 The Bill
http://sharonpoet-ti.blogspot.com/2017/06/the-bill.html Is this a joke or what?! Seriously though. Its only fair. I have been experiencing indescribable difficulty with having to beg for money just to survive living in a vehicle. This has been very distressing, on top of all the other parts of the targeting, especially when I have gotten harassed, or have been in more danger, for begging for money in parking lots...etc. Though I deeply appreciate the batches of uncomplicated help I have gotten since around 2012, I am in deep need of more financial help, in order to relieve this part of my distress, until a miracle happens to stop the targeting and I can get back onto my own feet. Would you please let your Heart care to send me as much monetary help as you can? It can be done anonymously with bits of cash each week or things like postal checks for more...etc. Please let your heart help me. Sharon R. Poet PO Box 383 Mont Vernon, NH 03057 Saturday, June 17, 2017 Please Stand Up
I again want to beg those who are being used in the sadistic covert program, under the guise of it being a good thing, to realize that it isn't and find the Heart and the courage to step out of it with a group of people/witnesses and fully and peacefully stand up for yourselves and us and America and humanity.
But if you want to stand up please do it quickly because there may be dangers in considering it or talking about standing up for too long before acting. Friday, June 16, 2017 A Bit of Validation
When I run across bits of validation from sub media forums that are standing up for us Targeted Individuals, (TIs) I feel grateful. I deeply appreciate their courage. And I'd do more to thank them in comments on their articles, but I have been being blocked from them.
I have concerns too though, because most of the exposure in the sub media seems to focus primarily on the "gang stalking" and is laced with blame against our families and/or the government, which is understandable, since these are the places we have been being programed to blame. And their silence...etc., makes them look guilty. Its easy to blame them when we are not aware of the extent of the technological and pharmaceutical mind control which can seriously influence not only our loved ones, but also community members in all arenas. The technological mind control is a critically important component in the sadistic targeting, because it is used on our loved ones and community members, in order to keep us isolated and disbelieved and unhelped and sometimes even completely forgotten or framed for crimes...etc. Much of humanity appears to already be enslaved. Most of the covert harassment appears to be done by mind control victims who are unaware of being used. Some of them appear to have been recruited or tortured into the covert program under the guise of it being good and "helpful." This level of the stalkers are used to try to abduct and enslave us under the guise of it being a covert "rescue." Some appear to be torture victims who have been recruited, by their own abusers, in order to seek revenge on those whom they are convinced have been torturing them, in a covert war for freedom that merely adds to the horrible destruction of it. In one way or another, most of them are victims too. But some are actual criminals who do things like tamper with brakes on vehicles or shoot things into tires or spray something on our windshield that prevents us from seeing through it when it rains or drug and rape us, or steal from us or destroy our property, or put parasites in our food or on our clothes in public...etc. We TIs also experience the mind control in ways that sabotage relationships and block our hearts and sabotage us getting the proper kinds of help, can make us appear "mentally ill," or make us forget important pieces of evidence, or make it look like we are just catastrophizing things that are really even worse then we can express...etc. The tortures and mind control can practically drop us to our knees in physical and/or emotional agony one day and then make us look happy and OK - like nothing is really happening to us the next day. The result can be devastating and like being trapped in a desolate public prison. Aside from the covert harassment (gang stalking), and the parasite targeting and chemical/bacteria targeting, and the technological mind control, we also experience technological tortures to various parts of our bodies, especially in our head and breasts and pubic area. We are experiencing horrible, holocaustal levels of physical and psychological torture, while being surrounded by people who are not even free to follow their own minds and Hearts and realize or believe or care about what is happening to us. This is more excruciating then words can express, especially when we are not aware of the mind control that uses people to either prevent or withhold various types of help or limit and control the amounts of financial help we get once we are shoved into destitution. We are in desperate need of compassion, validation, understanding, protection from further harm...etc. But all of humanity must become aware, be set free and start recovering, in order for our lives to return to normal even if the targeting stopped on us. The darkest core of the sadistic targeting is criminal use of radio wave technologies, which has been performing various types of mind control and torture upon much of humanity and it must be quickly stopped. Please help to stop it from continuing - Please help set humanity free. Wednesday, March 9, 2017 PDFs for Blog Posts (updated on 3-20-2017)
My blog page has been sometimes gotten interfered with and I also do updates in pdfs and books;
Newest Update Page www.targetedinamerica.com/bookramupdates2017b.pdf Introduction Book of Blog www.targetedinamerica.com/bookramintro2.pdf Older Update Pages www.targetedinamerica.com/bookramupdates2017.pdf www.targetedinamerica.com/bookramupdates2016.pdf I understand how some people could assume the wrong things with some of my writings about the targeting, especially when they do not always come out very functionally. So, I want to assure people that my fight is not against estranged loved ones who are also victims. My fight is not against the brainwashed or enslaved puppets that are used to harass me or to try to "rescue"/enslave me. And my fight is not against government agencies or America or the United Nations or other countries. My fight is against the holocaustal technological, pharmaceutical, covert...etc., targeting that has been hurting all of us. I wish we could all pull together and openly stand up for ourselves and each other. . .and restore the Freedom to think and feel and live and Love and be all that we were meant to be. I wish. Tuesday, February 28, 2017 Plea For Everyone Who is In the Covert Program and is Used in Covert Rescues of Targets Like Myself
I believe that the darkest ones who lead the targeting slyly control groups of good people whom they use in the foreground of covert rescues, which actually lead to enslavement. I feel that these good people (many who are my estranged loved ones) actually think they have been saved and that they are saving others, but I strongly feel that the reverse is true and the dangers for them are as strong as they are for those whom they are used to "rescue." I beg you to step out of the covert program and fully stand up.
Its Safer to Stand in the Light
This morning I had a dream, which showed a dark perpetration puppet (who used to rent a room in my Loudon, NH home) luring people away from coming to me. Then I had the experience, which I wrote into the post before this one. After I calmed my distress, I looked at the situation and it appears that another covert "rescue," by good people in the covert program, was sabotaged by those who target me and knew that it was taking place and had control over those who were attempting the "rescue." They also appeared to have used a laser on my brain, and possibly my vehicle, in order to inflict extreme anxiety upon me, through the process. I feel certain that the covert program is NOT the safe "home" that it pretends to be. And I am scared for all who are used in it without realizing what lurks behind them. Please step out. Its safer to openly stand in the Light.
If there are people who want to help me, you can help me, as well as yourselves, by openly standing up with me and/or passing this information on to as many people as possible. Please save yourselves, even if you do not want to openly stand with me.
God help humanity to be totally set free and have a chance to recover
P.S. Could I be wrong? It is possible. But what if I'm right? I feel that I am right. It is possible that there are good covert groups and that at least some of them are infiltrated, but I seriously doubt this. I'm not sure of all the details within the covert world. But I strongly feel that it is safer to stand in the Light. And I feel sure that the dark ones who target me, sometimes use good, unaware people in the foreground of their operations. . .that the covert rescue into their "home" is actually a sly enslavement. . .and that they have been sabotaging both covert help and overt help from higher places that would have the jurisdiction and modes of protection I've been needing and seeking. They seem to be aware of literally everything that goes on around me. Its safer to stand in the light. (I have been saying this for so long its surprising that people have not gotten the message and I wonder why.)
Wednesday, February 15, 2017 The Sly Covert Rescue Into Enslavement Depicted in a Music Video
I had found this video a year or two ago and have actually been scared to post it. But I now feel a need to use it to help prove what has been happening in the process of people being targeted and then approached for a covert rescue that is falsely depicted as a good thing. I feel certain that the covert rescue is really a sly abduction into complete enslavement by the same people who target us. I had a dream about the false covert rescue in 2006 and I have experienced a lot of what is depicted in this video. I have tried to objectively look at it from different directions, but my heart still cries, "Genuine good openly stands in the Light and does not keep the dark targeting secret...."
I strongly feel that this type of covert rescue is a candy coated satanic abduction that wants to be able to say that it was the VICTIM'S CHOICE to go. . . and this is just too horribly sad for all who have been enslaved and those of us who are being tortured and surrounded by messages that call for us to leave our lives and join them in their "home," in order to get the painful technological tortures and harassment and threats of slanders or framings or false "mental illness" labels...etc., to stop. This Kelly Clark video of "People Like Us" is a blatant depiction of the targeting or monitoring and experimentation on a little girl and the covert rescue being portrayed as a wonderful thing. Don't blame Kelly Clark, because she most likely does not even realize what is happening. But notice the words in this song as well as the video. I have experienced these sorts of messages from the covert program that surrounds me with round after round of tortures followed by aims to make me feel like they are on my side as they attempt covert rescues, which sometimes even use estranged loved ones who are already enslaved and think that they are helping...etc.; "Wake up into this world unknown, but know that we are not alone. . . They try to knock us down, but change is coming. . . Don't let it get the best of you. You'll make it out alive. . . People like us we've gotta stick together. . . Hey, this is not a funeral. Its a revolution after all your tears have turned to rage. . . This is the life that we choose. . . Come out. Come out if you dare. Tonight we're gonna change forever..."
This video also shows government officials as being the bad guys. This happens in the targeting - it tries to pit us against "the government." I'm not saying that every part of the government is totally innocent. I just strongly feel that there is also good there and that government officials, and their families, have also been being targeted. I feel that a covert aim to take over America has been happening through aims to take over all levels of government as well as businesses and common citizens. And, like I have been saying, I feel that this has been happening through technological and pharmaceutical mind control and possibly filters, which block detection of radio wave frequencies used for mind control, as well as some modes of "protection" being a sly enslavement. (I still feel that there is far more corruption in all aspects of the field of medicine, than there is in our government, and that they have been getting away with far too much.) In the bigger picture, the targeting and enslavement has been happening to people from all walks of life. Its dangerous as hell. AND I FEEL THAT THE ONLY WAY TO GET COMPLETELY OUT OF IT IS TO OPENLY STAND UP IN THE LIGHT - TO HONESTLY EXPOSE IT ALL SO THAT IT CAN BE STOPPED AND WE CAN ALL PULL TOGETHER AND SUPPORT EACH OTHER INSTEAD OF FIGHTING AGAINST EACH OTHER. GOD HELP US ALL TO BE TOTALLY SET FREE AND HAVE A CHANCE TO RECOVER.
Please Stand Up. Please Help Set Humanity Free.
Monday, January 9, 2017 Our Thoughts Are Not Private and Not Always Our Own
Like I have said before, I have realized, after much doubt, that the claims of technological mind reading and dream projection being remotely performed on Targeted Individuals is indeed True. With the psychotronic weapons attached to our brains our thoughts are not private. If we think it those who target us know it. If we know it they know it. If we dream it they know it. If we plan it they know it. AND sometimes they even intrusively plug in their own thoughts and dreams. Not all of our thoughts are authentically our own. I understand how "crazy" this sounds. But its true and the plugging in of thoughts and dreams needs to be known by those whom it has happened to and think they are their own thoughts, and also those who plan to use the technological mind reading as methods of interrogation, which is reported to become part of the high tech future. January 7 and 8, 2017 Please Help to Pray or Wish and Peacefully Act
If you do not believe in God please wish for the following things to happen - wish for the dark forces in our world to lose their power and for the good to rise up stronger. Wish for every level of the harmful targeting of humanity to immediately stop. And all wars, both covert and overt, to immediately stop. And do not stop wishing for it until it permanently happens. Also please take peaceful action if you are in positions where you can help stop criminal use of technological and pharmaceutical mind control and all other forms of targetings that have been enslaving and/or harming humanity. And, if you are in a position where you can do so, please inform the public so that confusion and doubt can be replaced with understanding and comfort.
Dear God,* please immediately shine a strong, permanent beam of pure white Light* upon those of us who have been being heavily targeted - surround us with the honest understanding, compassion, help and protection that we have desperately needed for too long. Please end our suffering - protect us from further harm and restore our freedom to think and feel and live and Love and be all that we were born to be.
Dear God, please immediately shine a strong, permanent beam of pure white Light, so strong that all dark, infiltrating forces completely lose their power; shine that Light into the American White House and all of its connecting facilities, every military complex, every Home Land Security facility, every FBI agency, every Sheriff's office, every local and state police facility and all other government buildings and vehicles. Please protect them from pharmaceutical and technological mind control, especially that which enslaves while claiming to "protect," as well as all other forms of harmful targeting. Please set them free so they can do the same for us. Provide them with technologies that do not contain filters, which prevent detection or blocking of the radio wave frequencies that are used for mind control; please help them to do everything in their power to prevent criminal use of all ground and space based radio wave technologies, especially the mind control and enslavement of humanity, as well as intentional microwave induced illnesses, pharmaceutical targeting, parasite targeting, chemical targeting...etc. Please help their Hearts to make a huge peaceful, safe, public stand that reaches comforting hands out to the rest of America and helps people to understand what has been happening so that confusion, doubts and fear can be replaced with understanding, trust, comfort and healing. And, God, please do the same in the United Nations and all other countries, so that all covert wars, both within and between all countries, can stop and Genuine Freedom and Peace on Earth can Prevail. Dear God, please immediately shine a strong, permanent beam of pure white Light, so strong that all dark, infiltrating forces completely lose their power; shine that Light onto all targeted families so that the confusion is replaced with understanding of the technological and pharmaceutical mind control...etc., and the discord can be replaced with comfort and Love; shine that Light into every food production, distribution and sales companies so that our foods can retain their natural nutrients and do not contain parasites, chemicals or any other harmful substance; shine that Light into all water supplies and free them of the chemicals and pharmaceuticals that can harm or aid technological mind control; shine that Light into all medical facilities, including psychiatric and dental, and prevent them from being used to harm, drug, microchip, abduct and enslave fellow human beings; shine that Light into all churches and religions - free them from the covert program and help them return to genuine Love and Light; shine that Light around the Earth and its atmosphere and stop and repair the damage that has been created with radio waves that have been being used to target humanity; shine that protective Light onto every citizen around the globe - protect us from all levels of the targeting and help us heal from it, so that our Hearts can lead us into all that we were born to be; shine that Light strong onto all ravens and their leaders and all others who perform mind control and other lethal targetings so that they cannot hurt us anymore. Set the raven puppets free, especially those who have been abducted, tortured, threatened or brainwashed into the covert program that targets us, and help them return to their Hearts and report their leaders; shine that Light into all satellites and space stations so that they can be free from all sorts of criminal use or prevented from being used at all if that can not happen.; shine that Light into all other places that need it. I may have forgotten something. Please forgive me. Dear God, please immediately shine a strong, permanent beam of pure white Light upon those of us who have been being heavily targeted - surround us with the honest understanding, compassion, help and protection that we have desperately needed for too long. Please end our suffering - protect us from further harm and restore our freedom to think and feel and live and Love and be all that we were born to be.
* The God I pray to is Love and Light and not to be confused with those who play god with judgmental groups who use surveillance and mind control and torturous laser weapons on defenseless people. And the Light is from only that pure Love/God and should not be confused with the energies that have been being used to target humanity, the Earth and its atmosphere.
Friday, December 2, 2016 The Silent Targetings
I see news reports on whether or not vote counts are honest and I feel deeply concerned that I've not seen any reports on the technological and pharmaceutical mind control, which surely prevents honest voting. I see news reports about an increase in diabetes in children and other types of debilitating illnesses in both adults and children. . . and I feel deeply concerned that I've not seen any reports on how technological (radio wave) targeting can cause such illnesses, and that medical and pharmaceutical fields can make astronomical amounts of money from the suffering inflicted upon victims of these types of holocaustal crimes. I see uncountable numbers of citizens, around the globe, who have become aware of the technological and covert targetings and have been crying out for help with protection from ongoing, inhumane tortures. . . and I feel deeply concerned that I've not seen any reports which do not assume that we are just "mentally ill," and ad to our suffering Everyone knows that the weather has been going crazy and I feel deeply concerned that I have not seen any reports about the weather modification technologies that can cause this.
I wonder why, although I know, And wait for Hearts to care to show. Wednesday, November 9, 2016 A Sad Day Striving for Hope
In two posts on this blog I crossed a line into politics, which I had vowed not to cross in my writings. I think this year's elections were the toughest ever, especially for those of us were already scared for the future of America. This is a sad morning for me. And I imagine that today is sad for all who did not want this outcome.
The only type of political statements I really wanted to make is to express that I do not care if our presidents are republican or democrat as long as they behave in ways that are honorable and as long as they have the Heart to Truly and deeply care for the safety and Freedom of America and it's citizens as well as that for other countries, humanity and the world. I have felt deeply concerned that too many of us do not have the freedom, to fully follow our Hearts in the voting process, due to technological and pharmaceutical mind control. But I still hope for the Heart of America to rise into a strong and peaceful stand for Freedom from all that harms us and holds us back from following our own Hearts and being all that we were born to be. I hope that destructive covert wars and revolutions stop, instead of intensifying. I hope that people who are opposed to Trump find peaceful ways to collect signatures...etc. I had thought of starting a petition, but decided not to due to being too overwhelmed with the targeting, which seems to block me from reaching many people anyway. I hope others can do more.
God Help America to Regain its Freedom
P.S. I have been getting technological interference as I write and edit this post.
Friday, October 21, 2016; Technological Mind Control Should be the Easiest Part of the Targeting to Detect
The details of the microwave/radio wave detection, which were in the article linked below, appear to have been changed but the core of it is still there and it proves that the technological targeting can easily be detected; "Thousands of Americans believe they are targeted by mind control technologies. At one time, we thought of all of them as “tin foil hat” conspiracy theorists. This was until we were able to break through the encoding within some mobile communications devices, signals we will refer to as “sub-carriers” for lack of a better term." http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/12/24/venturas-brain-invaders/
I'd like to also re-share previous statements, which reported a suspicion that future detection technologies could have a filter built in, which prevented the detection of low frequencies that are used for mind control. This was in the UK but it is not unreasonable to think that it could happen globally as well. http://www.whale.to/b/rifat.html It appears that the technological part of the targeting CAN be detected and proven with unfiltered detection technologies. And I pray for this to happen, so that it can not slyly continue controlling and damaging people. I beg government and military officials, around the globe, to do everything in their power to stop criminal use of all ground and space based radio wave technologies as well as the pharmaceutical targeting, which aids the mind control part of it, ASAP. P.S. I experienced painful torture levels of microwaves being shot into by brain through the days that posted and edited this. Wednesday, October 19, 2016; I Beg You
I beg government and media officials to let your Hearts stand up for your selves, for your loved ones, for us, for America. . .ultimately for all of humanity. Please stand up and publicly expose the technological and pharmaceutical mind control and its enslavement program...etc., so the covert wars can end and enslaved victims can be set free. Please stand up so that people can understand what is happening and at least have the opportunity to resist the mind control, protect themselves and support each other. Please stand up so that heavily hit victims can be understood and protected from further harm. Please break the silence that too many are suffering in. Please stand up and help set humanity free. Please!
Wednesday, August 24, 2016; From Blame's Covert Wars to Freedom
Who is doing the technological and pharmaceutical targeting and enslavement of humanity? Some say that the UN is to blame BUT it is being targeted too. Some say that America is to blame BUT America is being targeted too. Some say that it is the government BUT it is being targeted too. Some say it is the military BUT it is being targeted too. Some say it is the FBI BUT it is being targeted too. Some say it is law enforcement BUT it is being targeted too. Some say it is our families BUT they are being targeted too. And the list of places and people to blame could go on and on and on and on until we realize that humanity has been being covertly targeted and enslaved and used. . .and we must stop the blaming and let our Hearts stand together, in order to regain our freedom.
Please let your Heart stand up
P.S. Those who ARE responsible for the targeting seem to be manipulating things, in order for blame to be placed on the innocent or on unaware mind control victims whom they deceive and use. Please do not let this continue.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016; FBI's Ted Gunderson
Its Important that we follow the path of Truth - that we do not weave to the left or right." ~ Ted Gunderso
I,d not posted Gunderson before, because most of his videos get into a lot of the political stuff that I have tried to steered away from. But this newer video dives right into what I have felt is the core of our problem - a satanic occult that has been infiltrating and aiming to take over not only America, but ultimately all of humanity. I received a lot of validation from this video of Ted Gunderson, an FBI agent who stood up for our freedom. He says, "This evil aliment has infiltrated virtually every level of society."
I have felt that many places have been being infiltrated and that this dark infiltration has probably hit medical, dental, psychiatry, pharmaceutical and spiritual arenas even more heavily than most government agencies. Consequently, I feel that there is a danger in blaming "the government" when we need the uninfiltrated parts of it to save us, our country and ultimately all of humanity. And I feel that there may be as much of a danger in not realizing that that too has been being targeted and infiltrated. . .probably in some arenas more than others. . .so that the whole does not continue to be blamed for what a few criminals or mind control victims have been doing. I feel that the satanic occult, which Gunderson spoke of, has been utilizing technological and pharmaceutical mind control on people in all arenas and that their enslavement of humanity has already hit holocaustal levels and must be fully exposed and stopped as quickly as possible.
Ted Gunderson on Satanism in America
P.S. There has been some controversy about Ted Gunderson being an imposter. This is probably an aim to discredit him. No matter who this man is or is not, he says a lot of things that I have felt to be absolutely True long before I heard it from him. I think he is telling the Truth about a serious holocaustal problem that we all need to know and help remedy.
Monday, August 8, 2016; A Painful Batch of Ignorance in the New York Times
Around the time when the NY Times News Paper came out with the article about Targeted Individuals I was stranded in a parking lot. My computers were being shut down. My writings were being sabotaged. My books and websites were, and still are, being blocked from web searches. And I was experiencing a serious vamp up in electronic attacks...etc. I was just able to read it a couple days ago in a library.
The article was entitled, "United States of Paranoia...," which implies that united Targeted Individuals are just in a state of paranoia. Other titles in the article were, "A Growing tribe of troubled Minds," and "A pretext for violence," and "An ‘echo chamber’ of paranoia," most of which appear to have grown from the field of psychiatry. When I read it I felt sad. . .incredibly sad. And I find myself wondering if the author, or New York Times, have even done any research into the technologies that are being used on us, or on the field of psychiatry being suspected of inflicting "false mental illness labels" on victims of eugenics based targetings, or on the fact that states, like Michigan, have even passed new laws against "gang stalking" because it is a VERY REAL crime that has been hurting many people. And, even more important, have they considered the additional suffering and pain that is inflicted upon us Targeted Individuals when we are publicly degraded and misjudged - that even just statements like "most likely delusional," can leave us to continue suffering the effects of VERY REAL technological tortures, covert harassment. . .and other false judgments, which prevent the proper kinds of help and protection from further harm. Articles like this one feel like another part of the targeting. They hurt us and they prevent the compassionate understanding and comfort that we desperately need from our fellow human beings. We should not have to prove our sanity on top of all else that we are struggling to survive; http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/11/health/gang-stalking-targeted-individuals.html I beg the media and general public to give us "Targeted Individuals" the benefit of the doubt that is being raised by those who target us and those who are not aware of the various types of technological and covert targeting, which are happening to many more than just TIs who are in the web. Please keep an open Heart and mind. We need your support and help. We are not just "mentally ill." But we are not OK - we are being hurt and are suffering indescribably. We are victims of holocaustal crimes. . .crimes which need to be publicly acknowledged and stopped for the future safety of all of humanity.
Please help us instead of adding to our pain We desperately need good, aware Hearts to stand up for us as well as humanity's freedom. Please be those Hearts. June 19, 2016; Again - Please Set Humanity Free
I beg government and media officials to find the Heart to stand up for your selves, for your loved ones, for us. . .for humanity's freedom. Please stand up and publicly expose the technological and pharmaceutical mind control and its enslavement program...etc., so the covert wars can end and enslaved victims can be set free; So that people can know and resist and have the opportunity to protect themselves from the mind control; So that people can pull together and support each other instead being torn apart; So that heavily hit victims can understand and be protected from further harm. Please break the silence that too many are suffering in, and please do it without inflicting more harm on the victims. Please stand up and set humanity free. Please save the Heart of humanity from further destruction. Please!
A Fiction Vision of Real Hope; http://heightsofwisdom.blogspot.com/2016/06/chapter-four-sunrise-for-humanity.html June 17, 2016; Humanity's Worst Enemy
Humanity's worst enemy is technological and pharmaceutical mind control and the secrecy that allows its continuation. And it has to be exposed and stopped, in order for the mind, heart and soul of humanity to regain its freedom and recover.
Within the secrecy of the mind control, and its negative programming, the heart of humanity has been being replaced with greed, selfishness, arrogant quests for power over others and the chaos of victims blaming victims...etc. This must stop. Some of my past writings are prime examples of how we can easily misplace blame or misunderstand what is happening when we are not aware of being targeted and are not aware of the mind control grip on other people and organizations. Once we know about it, we realize that the only thing, which deserves full blame, is the technological and pharmaceutical mind control. . .in most situations. Without the mind control, and its secrecy, most of our other problems will cease to exist. Please help it to be exposed and stopped, without inflicting more pain upon its victims. Saturday, June 12, 2016; Why?
Why do too few realize the suffering that silently grows within
the world's worst holocaust? Why do too few care? Why? www.targetedinamerica.com/mindcont.html Please help break the silence. Saturday, June 11, 2016; Reminder of Technological Mind Control
Exposure of the remote mind control part of the targeting, happening through the past few decades, appears to be growing more scarce on the web. So here is a bit of a reminder, with the hope that you will do EVERYTHING in your power to expose and stop ALL levels of the technological and pharmaceutical targeting of people's brains, which is hurting far more than our minds. Please help save the Heart of humanity. The following statement has been in my books and websites and had, at one point, been erased. It is merely an example, which proves the reality of mind control and its possibility by the 1950s. I feel that there are many different organizations who have been involved in experiments with technological mind control. And that the aim to enslave humanity, started long before the 1950s. Irregardless of who has been (or is doing) what part of it. . .the fact remains that it is indeed happening and is in desperate need of being fully realized, exposed and stopped. "In April 1953, CIA Allen Dulles gave a lecture at Princeton University, detailing Soviet developments in the field of mind control. He stated they were out to control the mind of free men, both individually and collectively. . . Dulles proclaimed that the Cold War was moving into a new era of psychological warfare, which Dulles characterized as the battle for men's minds. "We might call it in its new form brain warfare. . ." In the 1970s, some of this “secret war for our mind” was exposed in a number of Congressional enquiries, but most commentators seem to believe, or accept, that everything stopped, and largely that – from the little information that had not been destroyed prior to the investigation began – it had been unsuccessful. Though the latter might have been the case in the mid 1970s, it is definitely clear that it did not end." ~ Philip Coppens. Give us STRENGTH, God...to find our way through bullets hidden in microwaves, and COURAGE, God...to make a STAND that saves our lives and FREEs our land. I beg uncontrolled government and media officials to please stand up for your selves, for your loved ones, for us. . .for humanity's freedom. Please stand up and publicly expose the technological and pharmaceutical mind control and its enslavement program...etc., so the covert wars can end; So that people can know and resist and have the opportunity to protect themselves from the mind control; So that people can pull together and support each other instead being torn apart; So that heavily hit victims can understand and get help and recover. Please break the silence that too many are suffering in. Please!
Humanity Needs to be Set Free
June 4, 2016; Please Do Not Look for Fault
Please do not look for fault in me or other heavily targeted individuals. We are already hurting indescribably. Our suffering hits holocaustal levels. We are in desperate need of compassionate understanding from our fellow human beings. Nothing that we do or write is going to be perfect while we are being targeted. Those who target me have been pretending to be help and are setting up many manipulations around me, which include threats to have me found "guilty" of something and not helped, and threats to set up family members to be found guilty of targeting me...etc., if I don't do what they say and erase certain writings...etc. "You too" they keep saying. . .like if I point a finger at them by exposing what the NH DOT did to me, they will have me found guilty of something! They appear to be either government officials or people who can use the FBI or other law enforcement officials to execute these threats. My original "Into the Light" book was one of the things they wanted erased. May 27, 2016; A Sad Waste
Sometimes, when I look back over the years and into the targeting's effect on some of the older parts of my work, I feel like its all wasted, all ruined and not worth a thing. (Much of it does not apply to the targeting situation.) And targets like me, naturally launch into misplacing blame - when we are not aware of being targeted we blame only those who are obviously acting out because we are not aware of the manipulations and technological mind control. My old writings have a lot of this in them. (This theme ran strong in my "Personal Journal" and "Into the Light" publications.) I feel deeply sad about this, although it makes them a good example of what a heavy target goes through or is manipulated into. I had worked so hard and had a grand dream and mission and it now feels destroyed - like it was all just a sad waste. But this makes me yearn for my freedom even more, because time is still wasting and there's already too much to heal and too much to fix and too much to explain and too much to make up for. . .and I can not effectively do any of it while being targeted. When I was not aware of the targeting, and its sabotaging of my life and work I searched for the "Higher Purpose" to what I was experiencing. I didn't find it, because there was none. There is no "Higher Purpose" to intentional man-made inflictions/crimes. But good can come from bad things. And a good thing may be that, since I have become aware, I've been able to help expose the types of targeting that I’ve been experiencing. May 23, 2016; Who Is On My Side?
Who is on the side of peacefully standing up to expose and stop all levels of technological and pharmaceutical mind control - who is on the side of saving the Heart of humanity from further destruction and giving it a chance to recover from past inflictions? Who is on the side of peacefully standing up to set America and the rest of humanity free? Who? Friday, May 20, 2016; Did I Write That Right? :-0
My writings, about the targeting, are not "politically correct" news reports, although parts of them do report the targeting I experience. Most of these writings are stumbling attempts to expose and stop the targeting while I am still being heavily targeted. Consequently they are not nearly perfect, but they are a good example of what a TI goes through. There are probably more discrepancies in my blog, around the year 2012, during times when I was trying to figure out the targeting, when I sometimes misperceived what was happening and when I sometimes believed misinformation that was fed to me. Please listen to the Heart of your instincts, above all else, when you read them. Like I have said before, I do not start every sentence with the phrase, "I think" or "I believe" because I assume that my readers are wise enough to realize that if I wrote it it is what I thought, believed or felt at the time when I wrote it. None of my writings are perfect. I make some of my own mistakes, especially when my brain is being heavily microwaved. And my writings are sometimes altered by those who target me. These alterations appear to be mostly to make me look bad or crazy. I will not be able to properly fix or explain them until I have my freedom back and have no more interference of any kind. Sunday, May 15, 2016; Mind Reading - An Intrusive Reality
I have been trying to pull together a new article that shares a bit more on technological mind reading, but (as usual) am too targeted and overwhelmed to do a very good job with it. But I posted it hoping it will inspire others to do their own research and help to expose these crimes; www.sharonpoet-ti.blogspot.com/p/mind-reading.html Mind Reading - An Intrusive Reality May 15, 2016; Please Stop the Push for Lawsuits
At 12;16pm a painful lasering (or microwaving) of the back right part of my head began as I thought about two videos I watched yesterday. . .and how they seemed to be doing more to expose the dark push for lawsuits, instead of on exposing and stopping the targeting. Both videos were main stream media exposure and very professionally done. I felt excited when I first found them. But the push for lawsuits concerns me, because they build a wall that prevents the core of the targeting from being fully exposed and stopped. . .and this even seems to be the aim. During the short time that I had connected to Targeted Individual "support" web forums (around 2012), I was steadily stalked by perpetration pushes to file lawsuits. One of them even lied to me - when I told her my view on the foolish lawsuit thing, she told me that it was not for that, in order to get me to join in on the group filing. I quickly learned the truth and pulled away from it. I strongly feel that government officials and agencies have been just as targeted, if not more so, than the rest of us. Humanity is being targeted. America is being targeted. We are all in this together and we need to openly pull together, with our hearts, instead of fighting against each other, in order for things to start getting better. At this point, a TI filing a lawsuit against our government is like a TI filing a lawsuit against another suffering TI. I wish we could all just let our hearts stand together to fully expose and stop the infiltration and all of its horrible technological targeting and human enslavement.
"We are all just victims of hell Surely me, but them as well." Wednesday, May 11, 2016; I Wish Humanity Would Stand Up
If the main stream media continues to not expose the mind control and covert enslavement of humanity there are many things that can be done;
Government officials, common citizens, military...etc., around the globe, could step out and peacefully line sidewalks while holding signs that say things like, "No More Technological and Pharmaceutical Mind Control" and "No More Human Enslavement" and "No More Covert Programs and Wars" and "Humanity Stands for Freedom" until humanity's Freedom has been restored. I understand that other things would have to happen too. . .and I hope they do. People who have influential titles and positions could do videos in private and then share them in various ways. People who have enough financial resources could do their own information papers, billboards and ads on TV and in news papers...etc.
IT IS NOT "too late."
No more ugly black sunglasses. No more measure of the classes. No more covert wars and ways. No more darkness in our days. May 7, 2016: Manipulations Breed Misplaced Blame
My gut feeling is that both ground and space based technologies, which have been being used to enslave humanity, were mostly built and installed under the false pretenses of them being for something good or to protect...etc. Most of those who build or install them probably do not know what they are really for. The covert operation, that targets humanity, appears to be set up in ways that use unaware victims in the foreground of their operations, so that they are the ones who get blamed if it is realized. (Think about this.) These sorts of manipulations tend to push the innocent into defense, fear or flee mode. . .which merely serves those who target us. We need to stand up and expose the manipulations.
Many people blame "the government." Many people blame the global elite...etc. Some blame aliens, which I feel is a cover-up. There are many confusing theories. People who are not part of the program want to find the True cause so that it can be stopped. But the sad truth is probably that the covert program has already enslaved so many, and has grown so big, that there is now some truth in most theories. The covert operation (secret society) has been targeting and forcefully or slyly recruiting citizens from all walks of life, both inside and outside governments around the globe. So please do not blame just "the government" or just "the people" or just "America," because they are all victims too. These holocaustal crimes began with criminals who have aimed to take over and control large corporations, government agencies and countries around the globe. We are all victims - we are all in this together and we can overcome it through peacefully standing together. Instead of blaming, and continuing the covert wars, please pull together in peaceful public stands that can help restore our freedom. |