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The Heart Bud book by Sharon Rose Poet
    This little book touches the personal core of global issues and is a dedication to the Heart of humanity through the difficult times we face in our troubled world. I hope it touches your Heart and helps bring more LOVE into our troubled world.

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Technological Holocaust
(Edition 7) by Sharon Rose Poet
    This book is A Call for the Heart of Humanity to Stand Up and Save Itself From Technological and Pharmaceutical Destruction and it should be of interest to every nation, community, family and individual who values personal Freedom and basic human rights. This book, like my others, have been through many challenges and changes. My copy of the first edition was stolen from my car in the summer of 2016. But this edition hopes to help all of humanity to peacefully stand up for Freedom.

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Targeted in America by Sharon R. Poet (Sixth Edition)
    This book is the beginning phase of an American Targeted Individual's recording of around four decades of experiences with being targeted by a covert operation, which utilizes satellite surveillance systems in conjunction with microwave weapons, laser weapons, psychotronic weapons, chemical warfare, psychological warfare and parasite warfare. I dedicate this book to America, all of its targeted citizens and the freedoms that we desperately need restored.

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Ramblings of a Targeted Individual - The Introduction by Sharon R. Poet
    This book aims to bring public awareness to holocaustal covert, technological and pharmaceutical targeting, especially the mind control part that is a serious threat to all of humanity. Part of this book, as well as previous editions, is also an example of what a Targeted Individual goes through in the process of carrying the immense burden of trying to prove and expose the targeting while still being targeted. Some previous editions contain more complete blog posts than what is in this book and my blog, but this book contains newer material that is not in any of the previous 14 editions. None of them are perfect, but all are waiting for my heart to be free to gather them into one final book that does a better job with explaining it all. Until then, this Introduction hopes to help us all regain and/or preserve our freedom. Please visit this page for more information about the many versions of this book and the challenges that created them;

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Mind Control, World Control by Jim Keith

    Veteran author Jim Keith reveals micorwave mind control technologies being operational since at least the 1960s. This book is an extensive account of the history, and present dangers, of mind control technologies.

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Weather Warfare by Jerry E. Smith

    "This is straight scientific reporting at a layman's level. I present solid evidence from military and scientific sources that intentional environmental modification (EnMod) is the 600-pound gorilla at the global warming debate that everyone is pretending isn't there."

Poetic Voice of a Targeted Individual by Sharon R. Poet
    This book weaves its way through my fear, anger and pain of being a long term Targted Individual. I hope it helps to validate the feelings of other TIs, and helps the rest of humanity to realize our plight and its direct connection to the future Freedom of ALL of humanity.

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This is not a "theory." Its a fight for our lives. Its not a matter of if you "believe it" or not -
its a matter of if you are aware and if you can care to help restore our safety and freedom.

World I See
What kind of world can my weary eyes See
What kind of world need grow to be?
A world where kindness picks up paces
To lift broken people from wounded places.
A world where the void of greed and hate
Is filled with Love by the hands of fate,
A world where all is in a state of repair
And none are left in deep despair.

The Covert War    New Information    Important Articles    The Psychiatric Connection    Gang Stalking    Mind Control    The Weapons    Targeted Individuals    Help for TIs    How to Help TIs    Symptoms     Weather Modification    Eugenics    Lupus    Surveillance Prison    My Testimony    Books    Free Papers/Flyers    For the HEART of Humanity    Message for Loved Ones    Remedy to Save Humanity    Cry for Government Help    My Blog    Contact

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Copyright 2012 - 2014. Copyrights on various enclosed materials are also held in earlier years. Information on this site is based on my own personal experiences and beliefs and then backed up with links to what I've found for scientific proof. I hope it is helpful to you. Please keep in mind that those who target me/us sometimes interfere with my writings. I am doing the best I can to keep this site going under indescribably difficult circumstances. So, please look past possible bloops and let your Heart focus on the core issues, which need your attention.

Give us STRENGTH, find our way through bullets hidden in microwaves, and COURAGE, make a STAND that saves our lives and FREEs our land.