In a book called, "THE MEN BEHIND HITLER - A German warning to the world," Bernhard Schreiber exposed the field of psychiatry as being connected to an ongoing holocaust. He wrote, "Hitler was an evil man and no one would want to assert that he was not responsible for the things that happened in Germany, but in blaming Hitler for all the evils one is overlooking a considerable number of those who are truly responsible, people who are being allowed to pursue their course to similar ends all over again - nothing to stop them."
In another part of his book, which appears to have been erased, Schreiber had spoken of Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels bragging, in 1944 - after Hitler's Reich had fallen, about a secret weapon - a "death ray" that would lead to the "rebirth of the Reich." The fact that this statement was erased has great significance, because it shows us what is being hidden.
However Schreiber's conclusion, where he tried to figure out what the weapon was, remains at the end of his book. He wrote, "The Nazis may have been disbanded, but the psychiatrists still linger on among us. Maybe this is the secret weapon Goebbels boasted about which would lead to the rebirth of the Reich - not a super-bomb and not a death ray, but a blueprint for a psychiatric slave state."
My instincts are telling me that this mystery weapon, which Geobbels boasted of in 1944, is microwave weapons that are capable of inflicting a “psychiatric slave state" through shooting beams of radio waves into the brains of human beings, especially when pharmaceuticals are added to the equation. . .as I have been saying all along. Microwave weapons are also capable of inconspicuous murder. According to British General Barre Trower, microwave weapons can remotely inflict terminal illnesses like leukemia, diabetes, cancer...etc., at the flick of a switch. And I have believed, since 2006, that Lupus is caused by energy being directed at people. Again. . . I now believe that that energy is microwaves.
A Microwave weapon massacre can remain virtually undetectable in a world where the general public is not aware of the existence of microwave weapons and are not allowed to posses unfiltered microwave detection technologies.
Do the original inflictions of Lupus, being primarily in Native American women point to eugenics based targetings? I believe so.
Is it true that microwaves can be used to damage part of our brains and literally turn us into numb puppets that do our master's bidding? I believe so, due to witnessing it happening to people. Is this being done by the same people who are doing the eugenics based targetings? Most likely. Are those of us, whom they perceive as less worthy, being either killed or turned into brain damaged slaves? It appears so. And this, along with other forms of remotely inflicted mind control, may be the most dangerous thing that humanity will ever have to face and stop.
I'm no expert on this, but I feel the overall picture of what is happening and that it is criminal and can not be allowed to continue, in order to preserve the Freedom and psychological safety of ALL of humanity. (My guess is that the underground Reich is not the only group that utilizes microwave weapons.)
Beyond the lethal technologies, that are being used on human beings, some reports state that substances, which are KNOWN to be unhealthy, are being put in food, seeds, water, vaccines and pharmaceuticals. Are these also subtle efforts to cut back on the earth's population?
There has been a strong push for people to not use herbal remedies. Rene Cassie - the nurse who successfully experimented with a Native America cure for cancer, was faced with all sorts of problems from agencies that apparently did not want people to have a cure for cancer and diabetes. Perhaps some of the problem is from those who are either involved in eugenics based targetings of human beings and those who are tied up in preferring to make money off of our illnesses instead of letting us have simple natural cures.
I have also read reports which state that illnesses like aids and other new ailments, that just suddenly pop up out of no where, are man made in intentionally inflicted. (Lupus is in this catagory.)
In the broader scheme of things. . .are weather modification technologies being used to cut back on the Earth's population, through what has been perceived as "natural disasters." And the same question should stand for laser weapons that can cause earth quakes and possibly even rupture volcanoes...etc.
I think that the most dangerous methods of harming and/or inconspicuously murdering human beings are microwave weapons, because it is a slow torturous death that leaves a victim confused with the process of sensing that something is horribly wrong. . .but due a lack of awareness, of criminal use of microwave weapons, the puzzle remains unsolved and the victim dies without ever having the chance to come to terms with what is happening to them.
Sometimes my anger at the thought of these types of crimes continuing makes me want to scream; “SERIOUSLY!??! Aiming for complete control of human beings through mind control technologies!!! Slowly murdering people with microwave weapons!!! Murdering people through creating floods and earthquakes...etc.!!! Harming people through placing toxic materials in water, food, vaccines or pharaceuticals!!! Torturing or killing anyone who is a threat to the secrecy and success of such madness!!! How on EARTH can this be happening in America and other free countries???!!! "WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS WHO DESERVE KINDNESS AND RESPECT AND THE RIGHT TO LIVE AND WORK AND LOVE AND FEEL AND THINK FOR OURSELVES!!!!"
Humane methods of population control would be things like. . . strongly encouraging people to NOT have children and OFFERING sterility as an OPTION. I fully believe that if the public were properly informed on the dangers of over population, MOST citizens would do what they can for the preservation of our Earth and the health of humanity.
If just a fraction of the moneys used to murder us were put into a drive to inform the public and encourage CHOICES, the same results can happen without the crimes. But would that be too humane for those who are now in control? It appears so.
The question now is, "What can we do to turn this around? What can we do to end this holocaust and regain our basic human rights?" What can you do?
THE MEN BEHIND HITLER - A German warning to the world
by Bernhard Schreiber
"This book is humbly dedicated to the memory of countless ordinary people - those men, women, children and babies of many races and beliefs, whose lives were taken because they were considered less than perfect and, therefore, unworthy to live."
Depopulation - by Jim Keith
The Population Control Agenda by Stanley K. Monteith,
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, and Political
by John Coleman:
Click here to download a free Newspaper
This is not a "theory." Its a fight for our lives.
Its not a matter of if you "believe it" or not -
its a matter of if you are aware and if you can care to
help restore our safety and freedom.
World I See
kind of world can my weary eyes See
What kind of world need grow to
A world where kindness picks up paces
To lift broken people
from wounded places.
A world where the void of greed and hate
filled with Love by the hands of fate,
A world where all is in a state
of repair
And none are left in deep despair.